guest professor
Jose Carlos Blanco Martinez
He was born in Madrid in 1978.
He studied dance at the Víctor Ullate school, and at sixteen joined the Víctor Ullate Company where he was named first soloist dancer at the age of twenty.
In 2001 he joined the CND (National Dance Company), under the direction of Nacho Duato, where he worked with great choreographers such as W. Forsythe, J. Kylian, M. Ek, O. Naharin, J. Godani, O. Anderson and of course Nacho Duato with whom he collaborated in numerous creations.
In 2005 he was named principal dancer.
In 2010 he is appointed ballet master at the CND2 under the direction of Hervé Palito.
The following year he joined the artistic staff of the main Company (CND) , under the direction of José Carlos Martínez.
In 2014 he was appointed Artistic Coordinator of the “Somos Arte” gala held annually in Valencia.
Since February 2015, he works as Freelance Teacher teaching classes, workshops, by Nacho Duato, Gentian Doda, Yoko Taira, Toni Fabre, Juanjo Arqués and Alejandro Cerrudo among others; In addition to participating in different projects.
He has participated in galas with dancers such as Alicia Amatriain, Daria Klimentova, Friedemann Vogel, Jason Reily, Elisa Badenes, Tamako Akiyama, Ana Laguna, Trinidad Sevillano, among many others.
In 2017, he was appointed official assistant-rehearsal master of the choreographer Juanjo Arques.

Experiencia Profesional
- Compañía Antonio Ruz (2019/2022)
"Presente", "El Barberillo de Lavapiés", "Aún y La noche de San Juan".
- Pforzheim Staatstheater (2018)
"Perfekt Unperfect", "Firebird",
- Compañía Losdedae (2018)
"Sin Piedad"
- Compañía de Teatro Clásico
"For the fun of it"
"La Crítica del Amor"
- Compañía de Danza Joven Larreal (2015/2017).
- Profesor de Danza en Espacio Vilarinyo. (Floorwork e Improvisación)
- Profesor Invitado en el Conservatorio Profesional de Danza Reina Sofía de Granada. (Improvisación, Creación, Trabajo de suelo y Técnica Release)
- Profesor Invitado en la Escuela de danza Carmen Senra
(Improvisación, Composición y Técnica Release).